British Glass publishes third edition of the UK Glass Packaging Recycling Statistics Report 2024


As the representative body for the UK glass industry, British Glass aims to support its members through the presentation of statistical evidence to showcase the industry’s position and provide strong and reliable data for both members and their stakeholders.

The British Glass UK Glass Packaging Recycling Statistics Report 2024 is being published in its third edition and is free of charge to all British Glass members. The report sets out publicly available data on UK household recycling statistics, glass packaging recovery notes, post-consumer glass (cullet) prices, and the environmental benefits of glass, covering data from 2015 to 2023.

The sections of the report are simplified as follows:
•    Information on the environmental benefits of glass recycling and glass remelt.
•    Data on the UK and the four nations of the UK separately, relating to tonnes of glass collected and reported by local authorities to WasteDataFlow (WDF) from 2017 to 2022, split by collection type and totaled.
•    Data on packaging waste recovery notes (PRN’s) for UK glass. Data from 2016 to 2023 shows obligated glass placed on the market figures with glass recycled through the PRN system providing a recycling rate percentage. Data also shows a split between total glass waste accepted or exported for ‘glass other’, UK re-melt, and glass exports.
•    DEFRA figures from 2019, 2020, and 2021 on total UK glass waste arising, with a total recycling statistic providing a recycling rate for each year.
•    Data from 2015 to 2023 on median PRN remelt / PRN non-remelt, and UK glass cullet prices per tonne, split by colour and including mixed glass derived from material recycling facilities (MRF).

The report can be accessed here by members using their British Glass website login (the link will not show the report until you are logged in), or alternatively members can request a copy from For public or general enquiries please also contact the British Glass information email address.