British glass supports Recycle Week

British Glass supported Recycle Now’s annual Recycle Week - a consumer-facing campaign to encourage correct recycling. This year’s theme was what goes around comes around.

British glass contributed to the campaign through their consumer-facing brand, Friends of Glass. They worked with recyclers, local authorities, retailers, and other materials to promote a positive message about recycling.

Each day there was a focus on a different packaging material. On the glass day The Co-op supported the glass recycling message by sponsoring a competition.

Throughout the week British Glass shared glass recycling messages and focussed on the energy saving achieved by recycling. The campaign trended on Twitter for several hours on launch day.

The messages shared gave a spotlight to glass products that are more commonly forgotten such as pasta sauce jars, perfume bottles, and medicine bottles.

Watch the official video promoting glass recycling created for the week:


Recycle Now is the consumer facing arm of WRAP's work